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HOWTO supervise ceph cluster

Why do that

To validate the correct installation and operation of a Ceph Mimic cluster


This guide considers that the environment is a 3 nodes Ceph Mimic (ceph storage size: 3*40GB).

What to do

Check status

Connect to the ceph interpreter to perform supervisory commands

ceph --cluster main

Check the disk space of the cluster

ceph> df
    SIZE        AVAIL       RAW USED     %RAW USED 
    120 GiB     116 GiB      3.6 GiB          2.98 
    NAME                ID     USED        %USED     MAX AVAIL     OBJECTS 
    mytenant-data       1      577 KiB         0        73 GiB           4 
    mytenant-fsdata     2          6 B         0        73 GiB           1 
    mytenant-fsmeta     3       25 KiB         0        55 GiB          23 

Check the OSD status:

ceph> osd status
| id |      host     |  used | avail | wr ops | wr data | rd ops | rd data |   state   |
| 0  | ppfsdaceph31i | 1030M | 38.9G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 1  | ppfsdaceph32i | 1317M | 38.7G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 2  | ppfsdaceph33i | 1317M | 38.7G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up |

ceph> osd stat
3 osds: 3 up, 3 in; epoch: e45

Check the MDS (metadataserver) status

ceph> mds stat
myfs-1/1/1 up  {0=my0=up:active}

List auth

ceph> auth ls
installed auth entries:

    key: AQAGseZcOmbPOBAAchZ4KPNdq2Z0VAeEAKrcpA==
    caps: [mds] allow
    caps: [mon] allow profile mds
    caps: [osd] allow rwx
    key: AQAHseZc4N6WHxAA+9Ukie1BJWArPiu+9mdSCg==
    caps: [mds] allow
    caps: [mon] allow profile mds
    caps: [osd] allow rwx

Mounting and testing Ceph

In this example we will mount the cluster on the mount point / myceph then write a dummy file.
We will then remove the point and validate the disappearance of the file.
Then we will remount the point and validate file still exists.

# create mount directory
mkdir /myceph

# mount ceph cluster to mount point
ceph-fuse --cluster main /myceph

# check disk and put dummy file
df -h /myceph
echo hello > /myceph/world

# unmount and check file disapear
umount /myceph
ls /

# re-mount disk and validate dummmy file exists
ceph-fuse --cluster main /myceph
cat /myceph/world

Get pool file

If you want to retrieve a file wrote in the cluster (from archive topology for example), you can list files presents in cluster and get a file on your filesystem to read content.

list files in cluster:

rados -p mytenant-data --cluster main ls

should output something like this:


extract one file to your filesystem:

rados -p mytenant-data --cluster main get httpd/0/2019.05.24/1558711687/httpd-0-1558711687924 myfile

# read file
cat myfile

you can read file content:

# earliest="2019-05-24 17:28:08:157" latest="2019-05-24 17:28:08:159" fields=_ppf_id;log separator="__|__"
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