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Syslog Udp Output

Use the UDP bolt to send traffic towards a UDP server. The UDP bolts is configured just like the syslog (tcp) bolt. However it has a much simpler configuration because it does not support any acknowledgement option, nor SSL.


it makes no sense to use a UDP bolt with multi-group or load-balancing strategies. These relies on TCP connection closing to switchover from one peer to another. However the syslog bolt does support multi-stream configuration, should you need to direct logs received on one incoming stream to a given UDP destination.

Here is an example configuration:

    "type" : "syslog_udp_bolt",
    "component" : "syslog_udp_spout",
    "settings" : {
         "destination" : [
               "host" : "target.ip.address",
               "port" : 9999,
      "subscribe" : [ 
             "component" : "", 
             "stream" : "logs", 
             "grouping": "localOrShuffle" 

Per stream destinations are also supported, refer to Per Stream Destinations.