Troubleshooting Ansible Inventories Generation¶
Why do that¶
During PunchPlatform deployment, an error occurs during inventories generation :
Generating new '/home/admin/pp-conf/platforms/production/generated_inventory/current-deployment.inv' ansible inventory
from PunchPlatform property file '/home/admin/pp-conf/'
deployment settings '/home/admin/pp-conf/punchplatform-deployment.settings'
distribs '{
"local_punchplatform_distribs_dir" : /home/admin/punch-deployer-3.0.5/archives,
"local_dependencies_distribs_dir": /home/admin/punch-deployer-3.0.5/archives
jinja template '/home/admin/punch-deployer-3.0.5/inventory_templates/punchplatform-deployment-inventory-template.j2'
Computing dynamic values from properties and settings files...
ERROR: Could not retrieve element matching json path '
FATAL ERROR could not read PunchPlatform property ''.
What to do¶
- You've completed a field with a long hostname (target.myzone.lan here) instead of a short name (target here). Please correct your configuration file as following:
"elasticsearch": {
"clusters": {
"es_search": {
"nodes": {
"target": { (instead of "target.myzone.lan")
Furthermore, in case of single machine deployment all hostnames have to be short (without a point .).
Relaunch deployer: --deploy -k -K (passwords will be asked)