Punch Modules¶
The punch provides a set of Elastalert modules ready to be used.
Punch Alerters¶
Any match returned by a rule are sent to a kafka topic of your choice.
rule.yaml example
alert: ["punch_elastalert.alerter.kafka_alerter.KafkaAlerter"]
bootstrap_servers: ["localhost:9092"]
close_timeout: 10
flush_timeout: 10
A more advance example with SSL active:
alert: ["punch_elastalert.alerter.kafka_alerter.KafkaAlerter"]
bootstrap_servers: ["localhost:9092"]
close_timeout: 10
flush_timeout: 10
kafka.ssl: True,
kafka.ssl_cafile: "/full/path/ca.pem",
kafka.ssl_certfile: "/full/path/server-cert.pem",
kafka.ssl_keyfile: "/full/path/server-key.pem",
Name | Type | Default | Mandatory | Description |
bootstrap_servers | List of strings | None | True | A list of kafka brokers to connect to as producer |
close_timeout | Integer | None | True | Time to wait before closing connections to kafka brokers |
flush_timeout | Integer | None | True | Time to wait before flushing alert content to kafka topic |
kafka.ssl | Boolean | False | False | Mandatory if you plan on using SSL strategy |
kafka.ssl_cafile | String | Empty | False | Absolute path to file |
kafka.ssl_certfile | String | Empty | False | Absolute path to file |
kafka.ssl_keyfile | String | Empty | False | Absolute path to file |
kafka.ssl_hostname_verification | Boolean | False | False | Absolute path to file |
Cybels Kafka¶
Sends a single document to a kafka topic (even if multiples documents are matched) with additional fields and formatted to be ECS 1.5 compatible.
rule.yaml example
If you need to test a whole configuration, you can uncomment the lines below.
# name: ES Stdout
# "@timestamp": "2020-09-23T14:47:02.448Z"
# es_host: localhost
# es_port: 9200
# index: customers-*
# filter: []
# type: punch_elastalert.rules.suspect_name.SuspectName
# suspect_names:
# - Jeff Meza
# - Chritiano Ronaldo
# - Jack Mao
# match_enhancements:
# - punch_elastalert.enhancement.discover_country.DiscoverCountry
alert: punch_elastalert.alerter.kafka_alerter.CybelsKafkaAlerter
topic: cybels
- localhost:9092
close_timeout: 10
flush_timeout: 10
# provider: Cybels Analytics correlator
# start: "2015-09-23T14:47:02.448Z"
# use_ssl: false
"ecs": {
"version": "1.5"
"event": {
"kind": "alert",
"provider": "Cybels Analytics correlator",
"severity": "2",
"logs": {
"count": 1,
"ids": [
"original": [
"@timestamp": "2022-06-29T08:16:00.448Z",
"name": "Jack Mao",
"_id": "test123",
"_index": "customers-2022.06.27",
"_type": "_doc",
"num_hits": 1,
"num_matches": 1,
"country": "USA"
"start": "2022-06-29 08:16:00.448000+00:00",
"end": "2022-06-29 08:16:00.448000+00:00",
"duration": "0:00:00"
"rule": {
"name": "ES Stdout",
"description": "",
"id": "1" #corresponding to _id field of the Elasticsearch/Opensearch rule doc
"_index": ".elastalert-rules-mytenant",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "12345-2344",
"_version": 1,
"_score": 0,
"_source": {
"name": "rule1.yml",
"rule": {
"id": "12345-2344"
"elastalert_rule": "alert:\n- punch_elastalert.alerter.kafka_alerter.CybelsKafkaAlerter\ncybels_kafka_url:\n- onenode1:9092\ndescription: Detects Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 successful login\nfilter:\n- query:\n query_string:\n query: event.code:\"4624\"\nid: 12345-2344\nindex: cybels-logs-winlogbeat-*\nlevel: high\nname: Windows-login_@@@_12345-2344\npriority: 2\nrealert:\n minutes: 5\ntags:\n- NOT-DEF\ntitle: Windows login\ntype: any\n\n",
"type": "raw",
"original_type": "sigma",
"@timestamp": "2022-07-05"
"fields": {
"@timestamp": [
"@metadata": {
"beat": "winlogbeat",
"type": "_doc",
"version": "7.9.2"
"@timestamp": "2022-07-04T15:30:21.386983Z",
"agent": {
"ephemeral_id": "97b23f3d-0e5d-4e03-bd26-6f72587ae27d",
"hostname": "DADA3",
"id": "2799048b-5a9c-4a6a-9ac3-77f79b6c33d9",
"name": "PAPA333333",
"type": "winlogbeat",
"version": "7.9.2"
"event": {
"action": "Logon",
"code": 4624,
"created": "2020-10-04T17:21:15.527Z",
"kind": "event",
"outcome": "success",
"provider": "Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing"
"host": {
"name": "HIHIHIHI"
"log": {
"level": "information"
"event_id": 4624,
"keywords": [
"Audit Success"
"opcode": "Info",
"process": {
"pid": 624,
"thread": {
"id": 668
"provider_guid": "{54849625-5478-4994-a5ba-3e3b0328c30d}",
"provider_name": "Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing",
"record_id": 592246,
"task": "Logon"
Name | Type | Default | Mandatory | Description |
bootstrap_servers | List of strings | None | True | A list of kafka brokers to connect to as producer |
close_timeout | Integer | None | True | Time to wait before closing connections to kafka brokers |
flush_timeout | Integer | None | True | Time to wait before flushing alert content to kafka topic |
provider | String | None | True | A provider name to be added as a field in resulting alert |
kafka.ssl | Boolean | False | False | Mandatory if you plan on using SSL strategy |
kafka.ssl_cafile | String | Empty | False | Absolute path to file |
kafka.ssl_certfile | String | Empty | False | Absolute path to file |
kafka.ssl_keyfile | String | Empty | False | Absolute path to file |
kafka.ssl_hostname_verification | Boolean | False | False | Absolute path to file |
Prints a matched document by a rule on stdout.
rule.yaml example
alert: ["punch_elastalert.alerter.stdout.Stdout"]
stdout_command: true
Name | Type | Default | Mandatory | Description |
stdout_command | Boolean | None | True | If an alert is detected, print the alert content to stdout or not |
Http Post¶
Make a post request for each matched document against a rule where the body will be the matched document.
rule.yaml example
alert: ["punch_elastalert.alerter.http_alerter.HttpAlerter"]
http_post_url: http://myserver:1234
A more advance example with SSL:
alert: ["punch_elastalert.alerter.http_alerter.HttpAlerter"]
http_post_url: https://myserver:1234
http.ssl: True,
http.ssl_cafile: "/full/path/ca.pem",
http.ssl_certfile: "/full/path/server-cert.pem",
http.ssl_keyfile: "/full/path/server-key.pem",
Name | Type | Default | Mandatory | Description |
http_post_url | String | None | True | Endpoint to which alert data will be POST |
http.ssl | Boolean | False | False | Enable SSL or not |
http.ssl_cafile | String | Empty | False | An absolute path |
http.ssl_certfile | String | Empty | False | An absolute path |
http.ssl_keyfile | String | Empty | False | An absolute path |
Cybels Http Post¶
Sends a single post request. The sent document is ECS 1.5 compatible with additional fields.
rule.yaml example
alert: ["punch_elastalert.alerter.http_alerter.CybelsHttpAlerter"]
http_post_url: http://myserver:1234
Name | Type | Default | Mandatory | Description |
http_post_url | String | None | True | Endpoint to which alert data will be POST |
http.ssl | Boolean | False | False | Enable SSL or not |
http.ssl_cafile | String | Empty | False | An absolute path |
http.ssl_certfile | String | Empty | False | An absolute path |
http.ssl_keyfile | String | Empty | False | An absolute path |
Zabbix Alerter¶
Send tracked event as trap to a zabbix backend.
Similarly to Jira aleter (...), this alerter enable you to use:
- alert_subject
- alert_text
Output response is a JSON string
with the format below:
{ "subject": "<alert_subject>", "message": "<alert_content>" }
- message value can either be a text or a json string
- subject key-value is omitted if no
is defined within yourrule.yaml
Note, there are other severals parameters that can be coupled with alert_subject
and/or alert_text
not listed in our available configuration list.
Refer to elastalert official documentation on how to use them:
rule.yaml example
alert: [punch_elastalert.alerter.zabbix_alerter.ZabbixAlerter]
zabbix.server_url: http://localhost:8081
zabbix.server_user: Admin
zabbix.server_password: zabbix
zabbix.sender_hostname: ""
zabbix.metric_key: trapdev
zabbix.metric_host: dev.server.io
alert_subject: "Suspect name detected: {0} | Detection time {1}"
- name
- "@timestamp"
A more advance example with SSL:
alert: [punch_elastalert.alerter.zabbix_alerter.ZabbixAlerter]
zabbix.server_url: http://localhost:8081
zabbix.server_user: Admin
zabbix.server_password: zabbix
zabbix.sender_hostname: ""
zabbix.metric_key: trapdev
zabbix.metric_host: dev.server.io
zabbix.security: True
zabbix.ssl_cafile: /full/path/to/cafile
zabbix.ssl_certfile: /full/path/to/certfile
zabbix.ssl_keyfile: /full/path/to/keyfile
Name | Type | Default | Mandatory | Description |
zabbix.server_url | String | None | True | Zabbix server URL |
zabbix.server_user | String | False | True | Zabbix username that will be used for sending alert |
zabbix.server_password | String | False | True | Zabbix username password |
zabbix.sender_hostname | String | False | True | Zabbix sender server |
zabbix.metric_key | String | False | True | Key name defined in your zabbix configuration |
zabbix.metric_host | String | False | True | Then sender hostname (i.e. value of hostname ) |
zabbix.security | Boolean | False | False | Enable SSL or not |
zabbix.ssl_cafile | String | Empty | False | An absolute path |
zabbix.ssl_certfile | String | Empty | False | An absolute path |
zabbix.ssl_keyfile | String | Empty | False | An absolute path |
alert_subject | String | Empty | False | See elastalert official documentation |
alert_text | String | Empty | False | See elastalert official documentation |
Punch Rules Loaders¶
Load rules dynamically from an elasticsearch index instead from a local filesystem. A checksum is calculated for each fetched rules. At periodic intervals, Elastalert will query the same index and will compare the checksum of the one loaded in memory, and the new fetched one's. In case some rules does not match the stored checksum, they are reloaded.
config.yaml example
Each document is a YAML file
es_host: localhost
es_port: 9200
writeback_index: elastalert
minutes: 2
minutes: 1
rules_loader: "punch_elastalert.rule_loader.elasticsearch_loader.ElasticsearchLoader"
rules_index: myrule
rules_hosts: ["http://localhost:9200"]
Each field of a given document is a YAML file
es_host: localhost
es_port: 9200
writeback_index: elastalert
minutes: 2
minutes: 1
rules_loader: "punch_elastalert.rule_loader.elasticsearch_loader.ElasticsearchLoader"
rules_index: myrule
rules_hosts: ["http://localhost:9200"]
rule_from_field: my_field
A more advance example with SSL:
# elastalert scheduler
es_host: localhost
es_port: 9200
writeback_index: elastalert
minutes: 2
minutes: 1
ca_certs: "/full/path/ca.pem",
client_key: "/full/path/server-key.pem",
client_cert: "/full/path/server-cert.pem"
# es rule loader
rules_loader: "punch_elastalert.rule_loader.elasticsearch_loader.ElasticsearchLoader"
rules_index: myrule
rules_hosts: ["https://localhost:9200"]
rule_from_field: my_field
es.ssl: True,
es.ssl_cafile: "/full/path/ca.pem",
es.ssl_certfile: "/full/path/server-cert.pem",
es.ssl_keyfile: "/full/path/server-key.pem",
Name | Type | Default | Mandatory | Description |
rules_index | String | None | True | Index where rules are located |
rules_hosts | List of String | None | True | Your elasticsearch Hosts (RFC-1738 formatted URLs) |
rules_index_query | String | Match all | False | By default a match all query is made. In case you want to filter rules, you can specify a query in json format (one line) |
rule_from_field | String | None | False | Content of your rule.yaml file as string (one line) |
es.ssl | Boolean | False | False | Mandatory if you plan on using SSL strategy |
es.ssl_cafile | String | Empty | False | Absolute path to file |
es.ssl_certfile | String | Empty | False | Absolute path to file |
es.ssl_keyfile | String | Empty | False | Absolute path to file |
es.ssl_hostname_verification | Boolean | False | False | Verify host name for ssl certificate |