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the platformctl command line tool provides you with a quick yet reliable view of you platform services.


Like all the punch client tools, documentation is available online, either in interactive mode or by simply typing:

platformctl -h

platformctl status --help

In addition you can also refert to the manual page:

man platformctl

An online platformctl manual page is also available.


The two essential commands are statusand health.

platformctl status
platformctl status --service elasticsearch 
The health command provides more detailed information. A verbose option let you ask for even more information.


This online tools is extremally simple yet powerful as it leverages the internal punch monitoring service; the same that are used to report all the monitoring metrics in elasticsearch. This tool is actually a command line equivalent to having a look at Kibana dashboards. It has been designed to facilitate operation on secure and remote platforms where having access to gui is not always simple to setup.