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Keycloak integration

Punch kibana plugin

Punch has integrated keycloack to secure advanced functions provided by the punch kibana plugin.

Keycloak description:

Keycloak is an open source software designed to allow single sign-on with Identity Management and Access Management aimed at modern applications and services.

Demo / Standalone: A short video demonstration on standalone is available on our youtube channel:



Keycloak is based on a SSO architecture. A proxy is responsible to check the authentication status of a user (using a token). If a user is not authenticated, the proxy redirects the user to keycloak interface.

The keycloak has an administration interface to manage groups, roles and users.

Keycloak architecture

list of TCP ports:

  • Keycloak Gateway (proxy): TCP/3000
  • Keycloak Administration : TCP/8180
Punch plugin role

For the kibana plugin, punch provides the following roles:

  • pp_plugin_view: User can use Punchplatform Plugin and read the documentation

  • pp_data_extraction: User can extract data from data extraction feature

  • pp_configuration_view: User can read the platform configuration

  • pp_configuration_edit: User can edit platform configuration (requires pp_configuration_view)

  • pp_platform_channel_control: User can start/stop/reload channels (requires pp_configuration_view)

  • pp_pml_view: User can view existing PML and create without save

  • pp_pml_edit: User can create, delete and save PML (requires pp_pml_view)

  • pp_pml_execute: User can execute PML (requires pp_pml_view)

  • pp_testers_view: User can use Punch and Grok tester

  • pp_ioc_view: User can use IoC lists

  • pp_ioc_edit: User can create/delete IoC lists (requires pp_ioc_view)

Standalone example

Punch provides a standalone with a keycloak preconfigured. The keycloak client related to the punch kibana plugin of the standalone is called standalone-proxy

Here is the procedure to install and run keycloak on the standalone.


Certificate authentication

Punch platform has by design a perimetric security with the 3-Tiers network architecture. However the platform interfaces (input & output) are vulnerable.

Punch has secured the most used components:

  • Syslog Spout & Bolts
  • Lumberjack Spout & Bolts

These components accept an authentication with a certificate to avoid "man in the middle" or wrong customer.

The full description of the components is available here: