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Spark Punchlines

In the previous chapter, we have set up a stream punchline. Stream punchlines can be run in one of the streaming runtime in the Punch : Storm or Shiva. For batch punchlines, the Punch leverages Spark.

In Punch, Spark applications are also punchlines. This seems magic, but the reason is quite simple : a Spark application can be represented as a graph (more precisely a dag for direct acyclic graph). Punchlines are dag of input, processing and output nodes. If these nodes are Spark nodes, then you have a punchline running on Spark.

Spark punchlines makes it possible to use Spark dataframes, SQL, Machine Learning and all spark APIs in your batch applications. You can also use Spark punchlines to do lots of simpler useful applications : aggregating, extracting, filtering your data. The Punch provides Spark nodes to read or write data to or from Elasticsearch, Kafka and the other COTS integrated in the Punch.


Spark punchlines heavily relies on Spark paradigms. Although it is not necessary to be a Spark expert to use it, it helps to be familiar with Spark concepts. In particular when using the Machine Learning libraries.

In this Getting Started guide, we will run a simple example of a Spark punchline.

Reading a CSV file

This chapter demonstrate how Punchlines and Spark/Pyspark works together. Go to the sample folder:

cd $PUNCHPLATFORM_CONF_DIR/samples/punchlines/spark/read_file
You have three files there:
tree .
├── AAPL.csv
├── csv_to_stdout_pyspark.yaml
└── csv_to_stdout_spark.yaml

There you will find a spark punchlines example that performs a simple operation:

  • read a csv file AAPL.csv
  • show it to stdout

Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Adj Close,Volume
Two examples are given, spark java & python implementation:

  • csv_to_stdout_spark.yaml
  • csv_to_stdout_pyspark.yaml

Let us have a look at the java spark punchline:

type: punchline
version: '6.0'
runtime: spark
- type: file_input
    path: "./AAPL.csv"
    format: csv
      #inferSchema: true
      header: true
  component: input
  - stream: data
- type: show
  component: show
  - component: input
    stream: data
  publish: []

Have a look at the pyspark file. Only the runtime attribute differs

That punchline contains two nodes linked through a publish-subscribe relationship. Run it using the following command:

punchlinectl --tenant mytenant start --punchline csv_to_stdout_spark.yaml
To run the pyspark punchline:
punchlinectl --tenant mytenant start --punchline csv_to_stdout_pyspark.yaml

The output looks like this:

# output

| Date       | Open       | High       | Low        | Close      | Adj Close  | Volume   |

| 2017-12-28 | 171.000000 | 171.850006 | 170.479996 | 171.080002 | 171.080002 | 16480200 |
| 2017-12-29 | 170.520004 | 170.589996 | 169.220001 | 169.229996 | 169.229996 | 25999900 |
| 2018-01-02 | 170.160004 | 172.300003 | 169.259995 | 172.259995 | 172.259995 | 25555900 |

 |-- Date: string (nullable = true)
 |-- Open: string (nullable = true)
 |-- High: string (nullable = true)
 |-- Low: string (nullable = true)
 |-- Close: string (nullable = true)
 |-- Adj Close: string (nullable = true)
 |-- Volume: string (nullable = true)

    "name": "input_data",
    "title": "SHOW"

Inferring Types

Let us improve our punchline to make it infer the types of the columns, rather than generating Strings. For instance by using the first line as header and inferring the schema of the dataframe dynamically upon reading.

Edit the csv_to_stdout_spark.yaml and uncomment: inferSchema

      inferSchema: true
      header: true

Run again your punchline and see now the result:

Show node result: input_data

| Date          | Open       | High       | Low        | Close      | Adj Close  | Volume   |

| 2017-12-28... | 171.0      | 171.850006 | 170.479996 | 171.080002 | 171.080002 | 16480200 |
| 2017-12-29... | 170.520004 | 170.589996 | 169.220001 | 169.229996 | 169.229996 | 25999900 |
| 2018-01-02... | 170.160004 | 172.300003 | 169.259995 | 172.259995 | 172.259995 | 25555900 |

 |-- Date: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- Open: double (nullable = true)
 |-- High: double (nullable = true)
 |-- Low: double (nullable = true)
 |-- Close: double (nullable = true)
 |-- Adj Close: double (nullable = true)
 |-- Volume: integer (nullable = true)

    "name": "input_data",
    "title": "SHOW"

We now have types automatically inferred.


Let us now try to calculate the average amount of the Volume column. For that we are going to add an SQL statement Node as follows:.

- type: sql
  component: sql
   statement: SELECT AVG(Volume) AS volume from input_data
  - stream: data
  - component: input
    stream: data

Execute :

punchlinectl -t mytenant start -p csv_to_stdout_spark_sql.yaml

The output is:

Show node result: sql_data

| volume |

| 2.8576825E7 |

 |-- volume: double (nullable = true)

    "name": "sql_data",
    "title": "SHOW"


Spark punchlines are extremely powerful. With a few nodes, you have batch SQL power at hand. The Punch team uses Spark punchlines to enrich production platforms with various extraction and aggregation jobs. No more Spark jobs coding, only pipeline configuration.

Punchlines support both Python (Pyspark) and Java (Spark) based Machine Learning jobs. A dedicated Getting Started on this topic is planned. The punch Standalone already contains various examples.