Event Normalisation
All the punch parsers conform to the normalization
presented below. If you create a new cybersecurity parser on your own, make sure
to follow the principles explained here.
The aim of normalization in the PunchPlatform is to get common fields,
notwithstanding the log format of each equipment or software vendor. It
helps creating queries and dashboards for complete log categories,
encompassing the many and various constructors and models.
In security log management, we conform to an open and standard taxonomy,
XDAS ( for eXchange Distributed Audit Service, see the OpenXDAS
project ). This taxonomy defines five
main components that are key to understand:

- The initiator (field
) is the component (host or user)
which was the source of the event (e.g. for a firewall, the source
- The target (field
) is the component (host or user)
which was the destination of the event (e.g. for a firewall, the
destination host);
- The observer (field
) is the host which handled the
security function (e.g. for a firewall, the appliance itself);
- The reporter (field
) is the host(s) handling the event
generated (e.g. for a firewall, a network orchestrator);
- The collector (field
) is the entry point of the Log
Management system. In PunchPlatform\'s LMC scheme, it is the LTR
This taxonomy is crucial. If the observer field is mandatory (the
event comes always from somewhere), so as the collector (where it
went), the other fields are optional. For instance, * there is no
initiator or target after an antivirus scan report viruses: we don\'t
know who put this in. But if the trigger comes from an HIDS, this
information is available; * there is no reporter is your device is
directly sending the syslog to your collector, such as Juniper switches.
Mandatory fields
Most of the mandatory fields are already provided the standard/common/input.punch
punchlet at
the beginning of each channel processing workflow.
Tuple Field |
Value Type |
Description |
[channel] |
String |
Channel is a text string that identifies the channel where the log will be processed. |
[message] |
String |
The raw log message collected. |
[size] |
Integer |
Size of the raw log message. |
[tenant] |
String |
Tenant is a text string that identifies the customer in the PunchPlatform. |
[kv] |
Tuple |
Result of processing error. (by convention) |
[vendor] |
String |
Vendor is a text string that identifies the vendor |
[type] |
String |
Type of log produced by the device. For example, fw, web, mx, sys, ids, etc.. By default this value is set to unknown, but must be overridden. |
But some of them need to be define at the Punchlet level itself. These are the following:
Tuple Field |
Value Type |
Description |
[parser][name] |
String |
Name of the dedicated processing Punchlet. Must match the parser directory name in lower case (i.e. apache_httpd ). |
[parser][version] |
String |
Version of this Punchlet. It must follow the semver pattern "2.0.1 ". |
Metadata fields are set by the punchlets processing the log to identify
which server processed the log and when.
Tuple Field |
Value Type |
Description |
[lmc][enrichment][global][host] |
Tuple |
The IP address or the host name of the server running the global enrichment punchlet. |
[lmc][enrichment][global][ts] |
String |
The date and timestamp of the server receiving the log to run the global enrichment punchlet. This field should conform to the yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format. |
[lmc][enrichment][tenant][host] |
Tuple |
The IP address or the host name of the server running the customer enrichment punchlet. |
[lmc][enrichment][tenant][ts] |
String |
The date and timestamp of the server receiving the log to run the tenant enrichment punchlet. This field should conform to the yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format. |
[lmc][enrichment][channel][host] |
Tuple |
The IP address or the host name of the server running the channel enrichment punchlet. |
[lmc][enrichment][channel][ts] |
String |
The date and timestamp of the server receiving the log to run the channel enrichment punchlet. This field should conform to the yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format. |
[lmc][error] |
String |
Texts string that identify errors encountered during punchlet execution. |
[lmc][input][host] |
Tuple |
The IP address or the host name of the server running the input punchlet. |
[lmc][input][ts] |
String |
The date and timestamp of the server receiving the log to run the input punchlet. This field should conform to the 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' format. |
[lmc][output][host] |
Tuple |
The IP address or the host name of the server running the output punchlet. |
[lmc][output][ts] |
String |
The date and timestamp of the server receiving the log to run the output punchlet. This field should conform to the yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format. |
[lmc][parse][host] |
Tuple |
The IP address or the host name of the server running the parser punchlet. |
[lmc][parse][ts] |
String |
The date and timestamp of the server receiving the log to run the parser punchlet. This field should conform to the yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format. |
Normalized common fields
General event normalization
Tuple Field |
Value Type |
Description |
[action] |
String |
Action of the event. |
[alarm][name] |
String |
Event alarm defined by the vendor. |
[alarm][description] |
String |
Event alarm additional elements provided by the vendor. |
[alarm][facility] |
String |
Event facility defined by the vendor |
[alarm][id] |
String |
Event severity ID defined by the vendor. |
[alarm][impact] |
String |
Event impact defined by the vendor. |
[alarm][sev] |
String |
Event severity defined by the vendor. |
[app][method] |
String |
Application method. |
[app][name] |
String |
Application name. |
[app][proto][name] |
String |
Application protocol name. |
[app][proto][num] |
Integer |
Application protocol number. |
[app][return][code] |
String |
Application return or exit code. |
[app][return][description] |
String |
Application return or exit code description. |
[app][version] |
String |
Version number of the application. |
[col][host] |
Tuple |
The IP address or the host name of the collector is the host receiving events from the reporter. |
[col][ts] |
String |
The date and timestamp of the collector when the event is received. |
[detection] |
Tuple |
Result of the detection processing. |
[init][group] |
Tuple |
Group initiating the event. |
[init][host] |
Tuple |
Host initiating the event. |
[init][process] |
Tuple |
Process initiating the event. |
[init][uri] |
Tuple |
Source uri of the event. |
[init][usr] |
Tuple |
User initiating the event. |
[obs][group] |
String |
The group of the equipment observing the event |
[obs][host] |
Tuple |
The IP address or the host name of the observer is the device producing events. |
[obs][process] |
Tuple |
Process observing the event. |
[obs][ts] |
String |
The date and timestamp of the event observed by the device. |
[obs][usr] |
Tuple |
User observing the event. |
[rep][group] |
Tuple |
Group of reporter. |
[rep][host] |
Tuple |
The IP address or the host name of the reporter is the host receiving events from the observer. |
[rep][ts] |
String |
The date and timestamp of the reporter when the event is received. |
[rule][id] |
String |
Rule id associated with the event. |
[rule][name] |
String |
Rule name associated with the event. |
[rule][uid] |
String |
Rule uid associated with the event. |
[session][cipher] |
String |
The name of the cipher used for the session. |
[session][cookie][client] |
String |
The client session cookie of the event. |
[session][cookie][server] |
String |
The server session cookie of the event. |
[session][count] |
Integer |
Number of occurrences aggregated in the event. |
[session][duration] |
Integer |
The session duration of the event. |
[session][file][hash] |
String |
The session file hash of the event. |
[session][file][name] |
String |
The session file name of the event. |
[session][file][path] |
String |
The session file path of the event. |
[session][file][type] |
String |
The session file type of the event. |
[session][id] |
String |
The session id of the event. |
[session][in][byte] |
Double |
The number indicating the byte count to the event source. |
[session][in][packet] |
Integer |
The number indicating the packet count to the event source. |
[session][out][byte] |
Double |
The number indicating the byte count to the event destination. |
[session][out][packet] |
Integer |
The number indicating the packet count to the event destination. |
[target][group] |
Tuple |
Group targeted in the event. |
[target][host] |
Tuple |
Host targeted in the event. |
[target][process] |
Tuple |
Target process of the event. |
[target][uri] |
Tuple |
Target uri of the event. |
[target][usr] |
Tuple |
User targeted in the event. |
[Type] Tuple normalisation
XDAS allows plenty of technology types to be taken into account,
however, we cselected only the ones below :
- FW - Firewall
- AV - Antivirus, HIDPS (Host-based Intrusion Detection & Prevention Systems)
- IDS - NIDPS (Network-based Intrusion Detection & Prevention Systems)
- LB - Load Balancers
- SYS - Operating Systems
- WEB - Web/FTP servers
- VPN - VPN Appliances
- AUTH - AAA Control Systems (Authentication, Authorization, Access)
- WAF - Web Application Firewalls
- MX - Mail Transfer Agents
- ORCH - Appliance Orchestrator
- DNS - Name Servers
- BAS - Bastions
- BDD - Databases
- PKI - Certificate managers
- RTSW - Other network equipments (routers, switches)
Location Tuple normalization
Tuple Field |
Value Type |
Description |
[loc][city] |
String |
Indicates the city of a geolocation. |
[loc][country] |
String |
Indicates the country of a geolocation. |
[loc][country_short] |
String |
Indicates the 2-letter country code of a geolocation. |
[loc][geo_point] |
GeoPoint |
Indicates the latitude and longitude of a geolocation. The format should be compliant to Elastic GeoPoint Reference |
User Tuple normalization
Tuple Field |
Value Type |
Description |
[usr][domain] |
String |
User domain name. |
[usr][fullname] |
String |
User full name. |
[usr][id] |
String |
User ID. |
[usr][loc] |
Tuple |
User geolocation. |
[usr][mail] |
String |
User mail. |
[usr][name] |
String |
User name. |
[usr][sid] |
String |
User SID. |
Host Tuple normalization
Tuple Field |
Value Type |
Description |
[host][if] |
String |
Host interface. |
[host][ip] |
String |
Host IPv4 address. |
[host][ipv6] |
String |
Host IPv6 address. |
[host][loc] |
Tuple |
Host geolocation. |
[host][mac] |
String |
Host MAC address. |
[host][name] |
String |
Host name. |
[host][nat][ip] |
String |
Host IPv4 address (NAT). |
[host][nat][port] |
Integer |
Host port (NAT). |
[host][port] |
Integer |
Host port. |
[host][vlan] |
String |
Host VLAN. |
Process Tuple normalization
Tuple Field |
Value Type |
Description |
[process][exit] |
String |
Process exit code. |
[process][id] |
String |
Process ID. |
[process][name] |
String |
Process name. |
[process][path] |
String |
Process path. |
[process][ppid] |
String |
Parent process ID. |
[process][status] |
String |
Process status. |
URI Tuple normalization
Tuple Field |
Value Type |
Description |
[uri][category] |
String |
URI category. |
[uri][full] |
String |
Full Uniform Resource Identifier. |
[uri][url] |
String |
Uniform Resource Locator. |
[uri][urn] |
String |
Uniform Resource Name. |
Web specific Tuple normalization
Tuple Field |
Value Type |
Description |
[web][request][method] |
String |
The forwarding method |
[web][request][icap_status] |
String |
The ICAP information forwarded by a web proxy server |
[web][request][rc] |
Int |
The return code provided by the next relay. It can be protocolar (HTTP/403) or applicative (exit 2) and can be different from the real response from the web server. |
[web][header][referer] |
String |
The referer of the request |
[web][header][version] |
String |
Any version used in the header (i.e. HTTP version) |
[web][header][args] |
Array |
Arguments added into the header, KV-style format, followinf RFC 7560 |
[web][header][content_type] |
String |
The content type of the response |
[web][header][user_agent] |
String |
The user agent of the request |
IDS specific normalization
Tuple Field |
Value Type |
Description |
[ids][cnc] |
Tuple |
Like , represents a (Host) Command-n-Control |
Mailer specific normalization
The fields [mx][from]
, [mx][to]
and [mx][attachments]
are now
deprecated for resp. [init][usr][mail]
, [target][usr][mail]
Tuple Field |
Value Type |
Description |
[mx][subject] |
String |
Subject of the email |
Antivirus specific Tuple normalization
Tuple Field |
Value Type |
Description |
[av][threats] |
Int |
Number of threats detected |
[av][infected] |
Int |
Number of actual viruses detected |
[av][event_source] |
String |
Source of the threat detection |
[av][infection_category] |
String |
Category of the infection |
[av][signature] |
String |
Typology of the infection (ex. Virus,Trojan) |
[av][virus_name] |
String |
Name of the infection |
[av][infection_type] |
String |
Typology of the infection |